PTSD risk factors

There are several risk factors and people can suffer from a combination depending on circumstance. I will discuss a few scenarios as a risk factor can stem and result in a variety of ways.

To begin, denial is when someone is presented with information and it is too difficult to accept, and so they reject the information; going into denial. Using denial can be a defence mechanism, acting as if a (traumatic) event didn’t have an effect on them and they may not want to admit. In cases of a traumatic event, people may use denial to help themselves not be affected by something by thinking they can block out the feelings as if they are not there.

Vicarious trauma is a trauma suffered from another person that the incident did not happen to, but they feel the the emotions of being hurt or responsible for. Vicarious trauma is a trauma that unfolds over time, it is not an immediate effect. It happens to the person because they care, they feel empathy for the person suffering. Vicarious trauma can not only affect the one person feeling empathy, but this can filter through their family and friends, as them suffering from a trauma. Vicarious trauma can alter the way in which an individual will see the world from then on. But what we all must remember is that the person who has suffered the trauma needs us as a friend, therapist or family member to be strong and supportive.

Bullying has a variety of outlets. But, they all have in common the impact, threat, dominance over someone in a situation. Bullying is most unpleasant and can have devastating effects on the public and individual impacted. Bullying is an injury and this meaning that it hurts people involved, those on the receiving end.

It must be understood whether the traumatic event was to a large group of people or just singularly the child, as this will have changes on their perceptions and reactions. Groups traumas such as natural disasters such as earthquakes, plane crash and bombings.

Signs of the trauma affecting the child can vary just like an adult, but there are additional signs from the child. The effects may not appear immediately but instead take several days, weeks or months to appear. Finding it hard to sleep, reliving the event during the day and when trying to sleep, causing distress. Having bad dreams once made it asleep, and night terrors, perhaps waking in hot sweats. Becoming fearful, anxious and clingy to their parents and not wanting to be separate, this perhaps prevalent to many families in Manchester after the attack. The child may revert back to younger traits such as bedwetting or sucking the thumb. The traumatic event may influence their attention and involvement in school, such as finding it hard to concentrate, becoming naughty and told off at school. They may also become irritable at home to siblings and parents. The child may also have the feeling of trauma through their body and therefore complain of physical symptoms such a stomach aches and headaches.

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Audio series - Yoga For Trauma

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